Sunday, May 10, 2009


I've always wondered why people continue to write their blogs. I know that I have a multitude of 'projects' (as I see them at the time) existing throughout the internet, whereabouts completely unknown. But what makes them continue?

Do they like having something to do?

Does it track a personal goal?

Is it representative of their industry?

Or, are they like me. See a trend and decide to jump on the bandwagon. For this, I give thanks to the Vogue girls. They are the influence behind my newest 'project', Beyond Her Time.

1 comment:

  1. All of the above. A trend can be fun and fulfill a need in you at the time! It is more than something to do - it is an expression of who you are and as long as you are the real you without any worry about what people think and say it will be a positve. It can help solidify a personal goal or help you steer it in a new direction - whatever it is it is what's right for you at the time. It may even encourage someone else to be the real them...
